Common Entry-points for Squirrels

Common Entry-points for Squirrels

After birds, squirrels might be the animal you see the most whenever you step outside. These animals are incredibly common all over the world and they have adapted very well to urban living. This however comes with the risk of squirrel invasions in people’s homes. The best way to protect your home from squirrels is to find all potential entry-points and seal them off effectively. For squirrel removal Kitchener and pest-proofing, call Pest Control Kitchener: 226-778-3098.

Squirrels are arboreal rodents that feed off a diet of buds, nuts, seeds, and berries. The eastern grey squirrel is the most common species in Canada. This squirrel is either grey-brown with a white belly, or fully black. The red squirrel is also fairly common. This one is smaller than the eastern grey and has red-brown fur. Twice a year, in early spring and late summer, both species produce litters of two to four baby squirrels. It is in anticipation of these litters that female squirrels look for places to nest. 

Much like a tree, attics provide squirrels with a place to nest above ground. Attics are, in some ways, even more attractive than trees because they are warm. Squirrels can feel the warmth that escapes the vents on the roof, and they can even smell your cooking from the outside. Squirrels are prolific climbers, so they have no trouble climbing up the outer walls of the home and reaching the roof. To get inside, they look for weak spots along the edges of the roof, the soffits, or the ventilation. They may even climb down the chimney and nest in there. Squirrels have very strong teeth that never stop growing, so they can chew their way through wood, plastic, and even metal. They will chew their way through these weak spots and into the attic.

If you’re interested in squirrel-proofing your house, examine your roof very closely for any gaps, cracks, or holes, then seal them with silicon caulking or block them off with steel mesh. It’s not uncommon for drip edges to become warped with time, so check the edge of your roof for any space between the drip edge and the framing of the house. This is a common entry point. Check underneath your roof vents, too. Squirrels can squeeze underneath the caps and chew their way into the attic. Vents and chimneys can be capped with steel mesh as well. If there are squirrels inside the house, you may be able to hear them squeal and move around inside the walls, so listen carefully and try to find where the sound is coming from. Squirrels only use one entry point into their nests, so if you find it, you can do something about it.

Consider hiring a professional to pest-proof your home. Wildlife removal technicians examine homes for entry-points every day; they know where to look and how to block them off effectively. They also have the safety gear required to safely examine your roof. For safe and effective pest-proofing, call Pest Control Kitchener. We perform thorough inspections and our pest-proofing comes with a two-year warranty. Feel free to reach out to Pest Control Kitchener any time: 226-778-3098.