Are There Any Places Other than the Attic Where Squirrels Will Stay

Are There any Places Other Than the Attic Where Squirrels Will Stay?

Squirrels are adaptable rodents that do not only nest in trees anymore. These critters have kept up with human advancement and continue to live near us long after we started building cities. You may have heard that squirrels like to invade attics, but they like to live in other parts of the home, too. If you think you have a squirrel problem and need help, reach out to Pest Control Kitchener for quality squirrel removal.

Squirrels naturally nest in trees. They either build their nests in the cavities of trees or within the branches. When a squirrel nests inside a tree, it is called a den. Dens often go unnoticed because they are hidden away inside the trunks of trees. The nests you see in the canopies of trees are called dreys. These are usually round in shape and made of loosely woven leaves, twigs, and grass. The squirrel nests you see outdoors should not be of too much concern. The nests do not harm the trees and squirrels do not chew on the wood. They only use pre-existing holes and cavities.

Squirrels unfortunately see a similarity between attics and trees. Attics provide them with a warm place to nest above ground. Squirrels can feel the warm air that escapes roof vents and they can even smell your cooking from the outside, making the attic a very attractive place to nest. Squirrels will also nest in chimneys and anywhere in the walls, usually around an exhaust vent. Though they are less common, sheds and garages have also been known to house squirrels. Squirrels will nest in practically any nook that is warm, quiet, and above ground.

If there are squirrels nesting somewhere in your house, you may be able to hear them squeal and stomp around during the daytime. There may also be a lot of squirrel activity near the nesting site. To get rid of the squirrels, call a wildlife removal company and they will set up a one-way door to the entrance of their nest. If there are babies in the nest, the professional will carefully remove them as well and put them somewhere safe for the mother to come get them. A technician can also squirrel-proof your home to prevent something like this from happening again. He or she can strengthen any potential entry points with steel mesh to stop them from chewing their way through.

Squirrels can nest in a variety of locations. While attics are perhaps their favourite man-made place to nest, squirrels will go wherever feels safe and natural. It’s important to recognize the threat of a squirrel invasion and to do what you can to protect your home. Call Pest Control Kitchener for safe and effective squirrel-proofing and removal. Our technicians are experienced in squirrel removal and know exactly where to look to find them. Feel free to give Pest Control Kitchener a call (226-778-3098) and ask us about our two-year warranty.