What Can I do when I tidy my house for extra security against bed bugs

What Can I do when I tidy my house for extra security against bed bugs?

When you are tidying your home double-checking goes a long way when you want that extra security against bed bugs. Properly storing clothing and bedding also helps against unwanted visits. Keeping up and maintaining your living quarters may also help significantly seeing that bed bugs will hide in the most obscure places in the house to avoid detection by people.

If you need to get rid of your bed bug problem, look no further than Bed Bug Control Kitchener

To find out whether you have bed bugs or not it is best to look for the following signs: 


Look for stains, streaks, or spots of a dark color. Often these streaks can be dark-brown to black. These streaks consist of bloodstains, feces, body parts, eggshells, and crushed bed bugs. 


Make sure you check any small crevice, hole, rupture carefully with a flashlight in hand. Bed bugs are barely noticeable with the naked eye but depending on how far the infestation has advanced you may spot traces of them. 


Look in the seams of your mattress and on the for the aforementioned discoloration. Lift the mattress if needed and also look behind the headboard 


Bed bugs are capable to emit a musty odor when the infestation has reach a certain stage. When you smell something like that you can be assured that you are unfortunately dealing with a full-blown infestation. 


The way to tackle this is through washing fabrics, linen, and clothes that include sheets, pillowcases, mattress protectors, clothes that have been in a general area where people rest, relax, and/or sleep. 


To deal with infested clothes carefully sort and separate the infested clothes from the unaffected clothes and make sure to double or even triple bag them in a garbage bag if possible. Make sure the bags are secured and sealed so that the bed bugs cannot escape. To do your laundry you must go outside. If you live in an apartment block with a communal washing area this will still apply. 


Make sure to wash the clothes at a constant temperature of 45 degrees Celsius or any of the hottest setting you clothes can handle. After that, you can take it for drying and, again, at the hottest setting possible. Now that you have cleaned your clothes put them in another bag and seal them again. You do not want to take them out only to be reinfested again. 


It is best that you call a professional pest control company such as COMPANY NAME to have this matter taken care of with professional industry equipment and crew members. They have in-depth knowledge of how to permanently get rid of bedbugs. Before the visit instructions will be sent to you to prepare yourself and the space receiving the treatment which includes stowing and sealing away additional clothes, linen, and sheets.