My Neighbor Has Cockroaches Will I Get them Too

My Neighbor Has Cockroaches Will I Get them Too?

Most likely when you have cockroaches or vice-versa, cockroaches can move in and move out. Especially when you live in an older home. What most people need to understand, is that homes and apartment blocks are not as airtight as they seem to be. Cockroaches can squeeze through immensely tight holes and narrow cracks with ease thanks to their agile bodies. This gives way to a never-ending infestation. In a perfect world, when you have cockroaches, the neighbour has to be alerted as well so both can tackle the problem, but due to the social stigma of cockroaches, talking about pests remains a taboo topic that only seems to be confined to the four walls of the house, close friends, and family. Most of it has to do with the fact that cockroaches are seen as dirty and terrifying creatures that only go inside dirty and old homes. This is as removed from the truth as it can get. 

If you are dealing with a cockroach infestation or have suspicions thereof, contact Cockroach Control Kitchener for a fast and effective complete eradication.

Cockroaches will enter any home as long as it meets their criteria. Which are shelter, warmth, food, and moisture. Something that can be found in any modern house or apartment regardless of where and how old it is. Yes, cleanliness is a factor, and so is the antiquity of the home, but infestations can be avoided by keeping your house well-maintained and sealed properly. When your neighbour has cockroaches, it can easily find its way to your home through cracks, holes, foundational gaps, and crevices that the building gets through wear and tear.

 The chances are increased when the houses are connected giving the cockroaches a way to exploit any gaps to access the home or apartment next door. Needless to say, this also applies to rodents as well. Mice and rats can use their agility to their advantage to exploit cracks, holes, and ruptures to squeeze through and access the home. Anybody has the same chances to get pests as anybody can use steps to avoid them by taking preventive actions such as cleaning, storing away food properly, and sealing up entry points. Getting rid of cockroaches is a multi-step process where professionals have to be called in. Unfortunately, the old notion of hazmat gear is imprinted in the collective consciousness that makes people hesitate to call. A lot has changed since that bygone era where formulations, knowledge, and tools to combat pests have developed and evolved over time as well as the price where nobody has to fork out thousands of dollars to get the situation dealt with. 

If you are still hesitant about it, why not speak to one of our licensed technicians from Pest Control Kitchener and explain the situation? We offer free consultation and we can get you booked for an appointment as soon as possible to declare your property cockroach-free!