Can I Get Rid of Mice by Turning off the Heat

Can I Get Rid of Mice by Turning off the Heat?

Mice can be very difficult to get rid of. They’re quiet, they’re tiny, and they reproduce at an alarming rate. You may have tried using traps, but the animals simply won’t go away. So, what about the cold? As mice, like other mammals, prefer the warmth of the house, you may have considered lowering the thermostat or leaving the windows open to draw them out. Dropping the temperature of the home will help stop any more from coming, but the mice that have settled inside are here to stay. If you’re having trouble removing mice from your home, Mouse Control Kitchener would be happy to help. 

Mice are some of the most common pests in the world. They have, for thousands of years, relied on human habitats for food and shelter. They’ll do whatever they can to get inside our homes when the temperatures outside begin to drop, but they can still survive outside. Instead of nesting indoors, they will build nests under decks, in shrubs, and under piles of rocks. It therefore takes a more comprehensive approach to get rid of mice. If it gets cold inside the house, they will still have their nests and have easy access to food. A nest inside the house is still better than having to build one outside. 

Getting rid of mice requires consistent trapping and home renovation. You will need to figure out where the mice are nesting and which routes they are taking to find food so that the traps you set are effective. Mice tend to follow the same trails every night, so finding those trails is key. The traps will then have to be checked and reset regularly to break the pests’ reproductive cycle. Keeping the home clean and tidy is also necessary to encourage the mice to eat the food that is set in the traps. 

While having a colder house will help deter any mice from entering, there are several other preventative measures you can take to prevent another mouse infestation. First, reduce the amount of clutter you have in the yard. Get rid of any scrap lying around, pull weeds, and mow the lawn on a regular basis. Trim tree branches at least 4 feet away from the roof or utility lines of the house. Store bird seed in sealed containers and use lidded trash cans. Seal up any potential entry points you find along the walls of the home and consider installing weatherstrips to the bottoms of your doors. 

Mice don’t prefer the cold but dropping the temperature of the house isn’t enough to get rid of them. If you suspect a mouse infestation in your home or business, reach out to Mouse Control Kitchener. Our technicians are experienced in mouse removal and they will carefully assess your living situation to provide you with the best service possible. We also offer mouse-proofing services to block any potential entry-points or weak spots that could allow mice to enter in the future. Call Pest Control Kitchener today to see how we can help.