Can Mice Make You Sick

Can Mice Make You Sick

It’s a simple question that you may be asking from the second that you notice a mouse in your home. But it’s an important fact to know whether or not those mice can make you and your family sick. Generally, a homeowner with a mouse infestation may be worried more about the structural damage or unsanitary conditions that come with having mice in the home without the knowledge that nice can make them physically sick. However, it’s important to understand that mice can, in fact, wreak havoc on your health – and here’s why you need to call professional mice exterminator Kitchener.

Are the Mice in Your Home Making You Sick?

There’s a big chance that your sudden allergy symptoms are being caused by mouse droppings and urine inside your home. Especially if you have already discovered a mouse or two scurrying across your kitchen floor. Maybe you or a family member is already suffering from known allergies from dust mites and mould. And perhaps someone in your home has severe asthma symptoms that have gotten worse after the discovery (or even before) of a mouse infestation. Mice can most certainly make these conditions worse and make you feel even sicker than you normally would. These are a few of the ways that mice can actually cause harm to your health and make you sick. If you’ve noticed an increase in breathing problems, allergies, or maybe even ”cold” symptoms, this may be a cause for concern. Especially if you discover a mouse (or mice) in your home. However, allergies and breathing trouble isn’t the only issue that you will have to worry about when it comes to your health if you have mice in the home. There are a few dangerous, and even life-threatening, diseases that can be carried by these pests and passed along to you and your family. Here’s what you need to know about some of the potentially harmful diseases that can be contracted through mice.

The Danger

While not every mouse will carry diseases, there’s no point in taking the risk of potentially catching a mouse-given disease. So, it’s important to educate yourself on the risks and signs of what possible diseases these pests can carry.

Here are some of the most common that you will find among mice:

  • Hantavirus: This is a life-threatening disease that is found in rodent feces and urine. Although the mouse will not be sick, they can most definitely transfer the disease to humans and cause serious health problems.
  • Salmonella: Not many individuals think that this could be transferred through rodents, however, when the mouse contaminates food or food preparation surfaces, a human can contract this bacterial food-borne illness.
  • Lymphocytic Choriomeningitis: This illness is carried mostly by the house mouse and can be extremely dangerous to humans. This disease is known to cause neurological problems as well as inflammation of the brain.

There’s no reason to risk catching a potentially life-threatening illness from having mice in your home – contact a professional pest control expert to have the infestation controlled and treated immediately. If you have discovered a mouse in your home, chances are there will be more found soon. Gain back control and save yourself and your family from the possible sickness that can be caused by these pests by having a professional pest control Kitchener inspection and properly treat your home.