Do Home Remedies Work Against Rats

Do Home Remedies Work Against Rats

From the moment you discover a possible rat infestation, you’ll most likely be wondering how to get rid of them as quickly as possible. But do home remedies actually work against rats? Surely you will want an effective method for removing these pests from your home, but you may also be thinking that home remedies are safer and cheaper than hiring a professional to do the work for you. Overall, there are methods that work to reduce and prevent rats in your home, however, these methods aren’t always permanent and may cause you more stress in the long run. Keep reading to find out more about using home remedies for getting rid of rats in your home or by calling professional rat exterminator Kitchener.

Types of Home Remedies

It doesn’t take long to do a quick search on the internet and find multiple DIY rat removal methods and home remedies. But which options are the best, and will they actually work?

Here are a few methods that you may come across on your search:

  • Rat traps – whether it’s a snap trap or a glue trap, both are effective in capturing rats and mice. However, rats can become quite smart and avoid these traps if you fail to place them correctly.
  • Repellent – Mothballs, peppermint oil, pepper, etc. All of these have been used to keep rats and mice away. And although these pests do not like the strong smell and can wreak havoc on their internal organs, this method may not be as effective as once imagined.
  • Animals and pets – Everyone knows that cats love to chase mice, and there’s no doubt that they are good hunters. Cats are great pets for getting rid of these pests, but it may not always work when you have a severe infestation.
  • Prevention – The easiest way to get rid of rats is to prevent them altogether in the first place. Although, that’s not always possible since these pests tend to find their way in through tiny spaces. Keep food sealed and away, fix any leaky faucets, and seal all cracks and holes to prevent an excess of rats from entering your home.

Each of these methods can be effective to an extent. However, for the most part, they are all temporary solutions. While strong odours can deter rats from parts of your home, there is no guarantee that they won’t come back again later.

What’s the Better Option?

Home remedies and DIY methods are great for a quick and cheap rat treatment, but they won’t always work – and most definitely will not make for a permanent solution. So what’s the better option? Professional pest control services. Professional exterminators are trained and educated in the behaviours of these pests and know how to properly manage an infestation. They will work with you to provide fast and effective treatments to ensure that your home is free from rodents. It may be tempting to try a home remedy for the removal of these pests, thinking that you will save time and money. However, since most of these methods are only temporarily effective, you’ll end up spending more time and money on further treatment in the future. When you hire a professional exterminator, you are guaranteed treatment and prevention tactics that are safe and effective for the present and future. If you have been dealing with a rat infestation with no luck using home remedies, it’s time to call a trusted and reliable Pest Control Kitchener expert to handle the situation and have your home pest-free.