treating cockroach bites

Treating Cockroach Bites

Not all bites sting the same. And depending on which bite you experience you will need different first aid treatments. So, what happens when you get bit by a cockroach? Well, it’s quite frightening to find out that you have a cockroach problem in your house. However, the idea of them biting you is horrific.

Back in the day when sailors took to the sea, some of their biggest fears did not concern cannonballs or tough waves. They had so many cockroaches on the ships that they often gnawed on the flesh of the sailors. Some sailors had to wear leather gloves at night to prevent being bitten by roaches as they slept.

The good news is that a cockroach bite is not life-threatening. Their bites will cause minor irritation, swelling, and on rare occasions an infection. In case you get bit by a cockroach, you should immediately sanitize the wound by rubbing antiseptic or alcohol. If the bite doesn’t disappear in a weeks’ time or appears infected, visit your nearest physician and don’t forget to call professional pest control Kitchener services.

Cockroaches are generally cautious insects and have very little desire to mess with humans. They would rather bite something that won’t fight back like leftover food, garbage or cardboard.

Treating a cockroach bite with Lemon Juice

To effectively treat a cockroach bite with lemon juice, slice a fresh lemon in half and squeeze as much juice as you can. Dab a cloth or a cotton swab in the squeezed juice and apply it to the bite area. Gently clean the affected area without irritating the wound. You can also use bottled lemon juice, however, the most effective is fresh lemon juice. Monitor the wound for a week, if the symptoms don’t change you might have an infection from the bite. Check with your doctor immediately.

Aloe Vera

Aloe Vera is one of nature’s most versatile plants because it has so many healing benefits. Just the way you would apply Aloe Vera on rushes, you could do the same for a cockroach bite to help provide great relief and ease the painful itching and swelling. The gel squeezed out of Aloe Vera has anti-bacterial and anti-inflammatory properties as well as antiseptic agents.

Wash and rinse the affected area with clean water and soap. Leave the affected area to dry completely. Apply the squeezed gel out of the Aloe Vera plant to the affected area. Let it dry before it gets into contact with clothing.

Anti-Itching Cream

Depending on the cockroach bite, using Anti Itching Cream will help relieve the effects of the bite. The first thing you need to do is clean the bite area with fresh, clean water and soap. Give the wound time to dry. Then slowly and gently apply the Anti Itching Cream on the affected area ensuring that you don’t cause further irritation by rubbing on it. It’s important to note the symptoms of the bite before using the cream. Anti-Itching Cream will work best for skin irritation. If your wound is swollen and painful and the symptoms do not cease in a few days; it might be a wise idea to see a doctor immediately.


Most of the time people are bitten by cockroaches (which rarely happens) its normally in the safety of your home. And while your kitchen cabinet might be hosting these pesky creepers, it might also have a remedy to ease the pain of a cockroach bite. Your regular bottle of alcohol, or even rubbing alcohol is a home remedy that can be used to help with cockroach bites.

First, clean the bite area with clean water and soap. Allow it to dry as you soak a cotton swab or cloth with alcohol. Gently apply to the affected area without causing further irritation. If the symptoms do not decrease in a few days, see a doctor.


Did you know that teabags could help you relieve the pain from a cockroach bite? A bite from a cockroach will typically cause a lump with a hole in the middle. This can later turn itchy and provoke a mild reaction.

Steep a few tea bags in boiling water for about 10 minutes, allow them to cool. Clean the bite area with clean water and soap and allow it to dry. Dip a cotton swab or cloth in the teabag solution and apply gently to the affected area. The tea bag solution helps in relieving inflammations since the tannins that are in the tea are astringent and help in reducing the swelling.

Baking Soda

In case you got bit by a cockroach soaking the affected area in baking soda might help. Since it’s alkaline, the bicarbonate in baking soda will help in neutralizing the PH levels at the affected cockroach bite site.

First, wash the site with clean water and soap. Allow for the cockroach bite site to dry. Add two teaspoons of baking soda into a cup of warm water. Soak a cloth, or towel in the baking soda solution and place it on the bite area. Let it rest on the affected area for 15 to 20 minutes. If the symptoms persist for more than a few days, contact your doctor.

Banana Peel

Did you know that the banana peel you threw away in the trash could help relieve the pain caused by a cockroach bite? Banana peels have anti-pruritic, anti-inflammatory and anti-microbial effects. To make the best out of it, peel out the banana and scrap the inner aspect of the banana peel. Blend it with rose water to get a thick consistency.

Wash the affected cockroach bite with clean water and soap. Cover the infected cockroach bite with the paste and dab it with ice wrapped with cloth or just a wet cloth. Leave it for 30 minutes to an hour and wash. If the symptoms persist for more than a few days, see a doctor.

Epsom salts

Enduring cockroach bites can be very frustrating. However, there are a few natural remedies that you can use to help you relieve the pain. Epsom salts are one of the richest sources of magnesium that is easily absorbed into the skin. This inexpensive remedy can be purchased at your local convenience store, and drug store everywhere.

Wash the bite site with clean water and soap. Let it dry. Add two teaspoons of Epsom salt to a cup of warm water. Soak a cloth or towel in the solution and cover the bite site. Leave it for 15 to 25 minutes. If the symptoms do not reduce in a few days, consult a physician.

Peppermint essential oil

Peppermint is an extremely versatile oil and can help in relieving the pain and inflammation caused by a cockroach bite. When it is applied to the skin diluted with a carrier oil, it gives a cooling sensation, precisely what you need after a cockroach bite. Apart from stopping burning, itching and stinging, Peppermint essential oil is also an anti-microbial agent that reduces the chance of the cockroach bite site becoming infected. You can also use peppermint oil to deter cockroaches from your house.


Did you know that Onions can be used to reduce swelling? Well, if you ever experience a cockroach bite, you could also use it to reduce the pain and irritation caused by the swelling. The onion will also help you get rid of the feeling to itch. If the swelling does not reduce in a few days, it is important that you see a doctor immediately.


Did you know that you could use vinegar to sanitize your kitchen as well as a bathroom? Well, this natural home remedy can also be used to neutralize itches that are caused by cockroaches. Apple cider is best for this situation since it is less acidic. However, you could still get any vinegar you have. Just like you would do with alcohol, soak a cotton swab or cloth in vinegar and apply it to the bite site.  Ensure that the site is washed with clean water and soap before you neutralize it with vinegar. Vinegar can also be used to deter cockroaches in your home by spraying it in areas where cockroaches are frequent.

Camphor essential oil

Camphor essential oil is ideal for treating cockroach bites thanks to its antiseptic, and anti-inflammatory properties. It can also be used as a mild insecticide to deter cockroaches from invading your home. To relieve the effects of itching, camphor will gently warm your skin masking the symptoms from the cockroach bite. It’s very important to note that bites from cockroaches could get worse if you apply camphor oil. Therefore, you should take care when using this remedy.