How to get Raccoon Babies Out of Your Attic?

How to get Raccoon Babies Out of Your Attic?

Most of the raccoons in the attics are baby raccoons, this is because, usually, the nests in the attics are made by raccoon mothers to protect and keep their litter safe. Usually, a mother can start from 3 to 5 puppies, which will grow in your home for at least 8 months. 8 months when the raccoon mother teaches the puppies to survive in the world.

Although the mother keeps the puppies protected for 8 months, the raccoons mature in six weeks. Up to six weeks, baby raccoons are still to be considered, and care should be taken with baby raccoons. Or rather, when removing an adult raccoon, one must be sure to also remove the puppies, if they are present.

Leaving baby raccoons alone in your attic could cause you a lot of trouble. Not only can baby raccoons scratch their claws through the ceiling, but being alone, they could starve and start to rot and stink. A stench that you don’t know where it comes from, if they die hidden somewhere, and that may take a while to disappear.

There are three ways to get rid of baby raccoons from your attic:

  • Remove mother and baby raccoon by hand: Not only is it not convenient for you to just remove the raccoon mother and leave the babies behind, it would also be cruel. The best and fastest thing to do, if you want to do it yourself, is to search for the nest and remove it manually, together with the mother raccoon and baby raccoons. The safest thing is to catch them with traps in the attic, so as not to risk. At that point, you can take them to a wildlife rehab center or call a professional.
  • Wait for baby raccoon to grow a little: Once the raccoons are 12 weeks old, they will start going out at night with their mother looking for food, to have fun or to stretch their legs. At this point you can do two things: either catch them one by one with traps or, if you are sure they all came out of your attic, seal all the entrances.
  • Call a professional: The best way. Calling a professional to remove baby raccoons from your attic is definitely the best choice. It is already, in general, to remove all kinds of animals, but in the case of baby raccoons, the mother can become very aggressive to protect the puppies and could be very dangerous. Professional raccoon removal Kitchener will know exactly how to treat these cases, how to read the warning signs from the mother’s behavior and how to remove them from your attic in the safest and fastest way possible. In addition to knowing where to transfer them in compliance with all local regulations.