What Do Raccoons Eat in Cities Like Kitchener

What Do Raccoons Eat in Cities Like Kitchener?

Raccoons might look cute, but that does not mean they are likable. The dislike for raccoons in Kitchener is often caused by the fact that they cause damage to gardens and property. Once this happens, individuals start thinking of a way to get rid of them.

However, when considering how to get rid of raccoons, you should consider whether your activities plays a major part in attracting them. For example, you might be disposing in your garbage can a certain item raccoon love to eat or your garden contains a fruit or vegetable they like. Below, we have listed out some of the items raccoons in Kitchener feed on.

 5 Things Raccoons Eat in The City

  1. Waste from Your Garbage Can

In a city such as Kitchener, the most popular source of food for wild animals such as the raccoon is a garbage can. These cans are literally everywhere especially on commercial properties. If you do not dispose of your trash properly, that is within sealed bags before tossing into the can, raccoons can gain access to them and search for their next meal.

  1. Fruits from Trees

Growing a fruit tree on your property might be a good idea, and you can reap the rewards of fresh fruit a few months or years down the line. But, you are not the only one who can appreciate the advantage of owning a fruit tree as raccoons also see it as a source of food. Even before the fruits are ripe, raccoons can gain access to them.

  1. Grains from Bird Feeders

City parks and private properties often have bird feeders out. Apart from feeding birds, raccoons can also gain access to the grains in them. If care is not taken, once the raccoons identify that there is a constant source of food in the feeders, you might have a frequent unwanted guest to your property.

  1. Compost Pile

If your home is around the wooded area of Kitchener, then you may have to deal with leaves falling on your property. Forming a compost pile from these leaves brings together worms, fruits and vegetables which raccoons feed on.

Get Professional Raccoon Removal

Now that you are aware of the things on your property that attract raccoons, the next step is to find out how to make them unattractive to raccoons. Some of the items like garbage cans and fruit trees are essential and not necessarily removable. Therefore, the help of a professional raccoon removal Kitchener company is needed to discuss ways to detract the raccoons.