Common Entry Spots Used by Raccoon to Enter Your House

Common Entry Spots Used by Raccoon to Enter Your House

Raccoons like most wild animals have two things they need to survive. The first need is food, and this is something they can easily scavenge for. However, the second need which is shelter is hard to come by in the wild. In such a case, these raccoons turn to existent structures such as your house to gain shelter.

Ensuring that your home does not become a shelter to these unwanted animals is all about you taking the necessary precautions. Raccoons have certain spots which they use to enter your home. Some of these common entry spots include:

6 Common Raccoon Entry Spots

Roof Vents:

The design of the vents on your roof are to allow for air circulation in your attic. However, raccoons are climbers, and when they get on the roof of your property, they can feel the air escaping. In turn, they can destroy the vents to gain access to the attic. Therefore, it is inadvisable to make use of aluminum or plastic vent covers that can be easily destroyed.


A chimney to a raccoon might seem like a tree cavity which they can shimmy up and down to gain shelter. Once the raccoon finds its way into your chimney, it can also gain access to other parts of your home. It is advisable to get a chimney cap from your local hardware store.


Sewage pipes on your property can also be used as an entry point by raccoons. Once they climb through it, it can lead them to your basement. If you have any open pipe, make use of nets or wires to prevent raccoons from climbing through.

Crawl Spaces:

If you have a pet like a dog in your home, chances are it likes digging a lot, thereby leaving a lot of holes on your property. Raccoons can take advantage of these holes underneath your house to create their hideout.


Walls with holes, or large amount of space between two walls are ideal places for raccoons to get comfortable. Through the hole, the raccoon can gain access into your home.

Roof Edge:

The point where the eaves of your roof meet the house is very vulnerable to attacks by raccoons. This is as a result of its constant exposure to moisture which weakens it on a yearly basis. Raccoons can easily claw or chew through the weak edges to gain access to the attic.

Get Help from Professional Raccoon Removal

If raccoons have gained accessed to your home through any of the means mentioned above, you will need the help of professional raccoon removal Kitchener company for two reasons. The first reason is to help you get rid of the raccoons on your property while the second reason is to seal off all entry points.