Where Do Raccoons Live in Cities Like Kitchener?

Where Do Raccoons Live in Cities Like Kitchener?

The average wild raccoon prefers to stay in a wooded area with access to vegetation and trees. Hidden among the dense trees, the raccoon makes its den within hollow trees. However, with urbanization taking over in cities like Kitchener, these wooded areas are being torn down for buildings. This has brought about a need for the racoons to adapt.

Such adaptation has led to the wild animals making their homes within man-made structures. Some of the locations you are likely to find a raccoon’s den in include:


All raccoons are nocturnal creates, and as such it would prefer that its habitat reflects its nature. The average racoon likes a dark and quiet spot which rarely sees human activity. The basement of a home is either partly or completely below the ground floor thereby closing out possible natural light sources and noises.

Seeing as most basements rarely see human activity unless a need springs up, it is always empty, thereby making it an ideal spot for a raccoon.


Unlike the basement of a home, the attic is close to roof and receives a lot of sunlight. Bearing in mind that racoons are nocturnal creatures, a room with a lot of light might not seem like a choice of habitat. However, it is, especially if human activity within the room is not frequent.

Raccoons might choose to stay there because of venturing to it from your chimney or the quietness of the space, so far as they can find a dark corner.

Walls of buildings:

Normally when you hear noises in the walls of your property, it might be an indication of a wild animal e.g. a raccoon creating a nesting spot there. This occurs if you have a hole within the wall of your building. Leaving it unattended to can lead to it turning into a new habitat for a raccoon.


If you have abandoned pipes on your property that have been dormant, it would be wise to find a way to block the hole. Failure to do so can be an invitation for raccoons to set up home there.

Getting Professional Raccoon Removal Services

Being able to identify all the potential spots where a raccoon may be in your house can be quite tasking. However, this is the job of professional pest control Kitchener. They can help assess your property and pinpoint areas with signs of wildlife nesting and also undertake the necessary steps to remove them.