Carpenter ants are an infestation from hell. They destroy your property and invade your home and valuables. Anything made of wood is free game to carpenter ants, your memories be damned. They will chew straight through grandmama’s 150 year old armoire, and nothing will stop them from wrecking dad’s favourite chair. They can also threaten the structural stability of your entire home. They are hard to notice and even harder to find and they do most of their work inside the walls. So how do you find out you have a carpenter ant infestation? It is best to contact professional carpenter ant exterminator Kitchener in the Greater Toronto Area to declare your home ant-free as soon as possible!
There are a couple ways you can tell that you have carpenter ants. The first is tiny oblong holes that the ants tunnel into to make their nests. The tunnels are carved to of wood so the ants need to remove the wood debris from the tunnel as they work. With this debris come feces and ant parts. If left to dry and particulate in the air it can cause terrible allergic reactions in some people.
This material is called Frass, and I don’t mean sase-frass. Its a pile of poop, wood powder and ant parts and its absolutely vile. It sticks to surfaces and is dangerous to clean up so make sure you wear gloves and a mask.
You can also tell if you have a serious infestation by looking around beneath windows for dead winged ants and desiccated ant wings. This comes from the mating ritual performed by the winged ants. When a colony matures in produces winged ants. The males are workers but the females are new queens ready to start their own colony. The males die after mating and the females chew off their wings and hide away somewhere safe to lay their eggs and build their empire.
These are all signs that you have a large and growing population of ants in your home and you definitely need to do something about it before it gets out of hand and you end up having to live in your truck because your house fell down.
You have a few options. You can try taking care of it on your own by spraying the holes with a solution of boric acid and silica particles. This will crystallise and act as a spiky nightmare for the carpenter ants, who will be torn to pieces by the crystals and killed. Cedar oil is also effective at suffocating the ants.
If you cant get rid of them yourself then you will have to call the professionals at the exterminators inc. Our technicians can come to your home and do a baseboard spray of the entire house, mimicking and improving on the boric acid solution and killing ants en mass.