Termites are a terrible pest, they actually eat wood and can consume it at a rapid pace that can leave homes and furniture in disrepair. They can be found all over North America and cost millions of dollars in repairs every year. Termites are a pest everyone knows about, no one needs to ask if termites eat wood, everyone knows because the pest is so common.
It is best to contact professional carpenter ant exterminator Kitchener in the Greater Toronto Area to declare your home ant-free as soon as possible!
Many a day we would look at old wooden furniture and see the wells and pathways created by termites as they feasted on the wood. Carpenter ants are very different from termites. They do not eat wood, and they cannot drill through it nearly as quickly and effectively as termites can. They are still a major threat and what’s more is they are far harder to notice than termites. Termites tend to eat the surface of wood, leaving clear markings that are highly noticeable. This makes it much easier to identify and deal with a termite problem. Carpenter ants are not easy to spot unless you have a serious and massive infestation. You need to look for signs of carpenter ants or else you wont know they are even there.
Carpenter ants breed when their colony reaches maturity. They produce a number of ants with wings that fly about in a mating dance. When mating is complete the males die and females chew off their wings and retreat to a crack in the wall to lay their eggs and start a new colony. Because of this carpenter ants can populate a home very quickly and without much fanfare. They will continue doing this, colonies reaching maturity and spreading until the entire house is infested.
Carpenter ants drill holes into walls with their large clamp like mandibles. They chew away the wood and polish the interior of the tunnels. They take all the pieces of unneeded wood and dispose of them outside of the hole, this can also include their feces and even parts of ants like legs and pieces of carapace. This can collect in dust and cause terrible allergies and even effect your immune system. The material they leave in piles under their tunnel entrances is called Frass, and it can be very dangerous to humans. So make to protect yourself when you clean it.
If you have carpenter ants or termites then you need to get rid of them, don’t try it yourself, call the professionals at the exterminators inc and enjoy an ant and termite free home in less time than you thought.