Are Glue Traps Humane for Mice

Are Glue Traps Humane for Mice?

Getting rid of mice is unfortunately necessary to preserve your health and the structure of your home. Mice carry multiple diseases and they will damage your walls by nesting in the insulation, chewing on electrical wires, and defecating in places you can’t reach. They must be removed from the home. Choosing the right mouse trap, however, can be difficult when there are so many options available. If you need help getting rid of mice, contact Mouse Control Kitchener  for professional mouse removal. 

Glue traps are the most inhumane traps you can buy. These traps stick mice and other animals to their surfaces, where they die a slow and painful death. Because the traps themselves do not kill the animals directly, they usually die from exhaustion, dehydration, or starvation. Some mice even get their noses stuck on the traps and suffocate for hours before they finally perish. In their agony, some mice try to free themselves by chewing on their own feet. Watching a mouse trying to escape a glue trap is a traumatizing experience for most people. It is for these reasons that many vendors refuse to sell glue traps. 

Consider using the alternative traps available on the market. The traditional snap trap, for instance, costs very little and can be used multiple times. This trap is fairly reliable and kills mice instantly. Electronic traps are even more effective and save you from having to deal with any snap traps gone wrong. The animals perish by electric shock, so there is no mess. The most humane trap of all is the multi-catch trap. This trap is a box that has two ramped entrances on either side. It lets as many as 30 mice get inside but doesn’t let them out again. You can then take the trap outside where you can release the mice. Just be sure that you check the trap every day. 

Traps are useful for eliminating mice, but you must mouse-proof your home to keep the pests gone for good. Check the perimeter of your home for any gaps or cracks that mice could be using to get inside, then seal them with silicone caulking or steel mesh. You can also cap your wall vents with steel mesh to prevent any mice from getting through. Put weatherstripping on the bottom of your garage doors and the doors on the front and back of the house. Remove clutter from the yard and store foods in tightly sealed containers. This includes bird seed and pet food. 

Glue traps are grossly inhumane. If you care for the wellbeing of animals and want to eliminate mice in the most humane and efficient way possible, get professional help. A licensed mouse removal technician will have the most humane baits and traps available. A professional will also know where to place the traps to be most effective. Mouse Control Kitchener s staff are experienced in mouse removal and we only use the most humane solutions out there. We also offer guaranteed mouse-proofing to stop this from happening again. Call Pest Control Kitchener now.