Can Blankets And Pillows Also Have Bed Bugs

Can Blankets And Pillows Also Have Bed Bugs?

Bed bugs prefer to live near the host as close as possible. It is because bed bugs do not like to move like other insects that can move faster and easier as mosquitoes can. Instead, they stake out till they have the right opportunity to strike. For this reason, bed bugs make themselves comfortable in the seams of the mattress, blankets, pillows, and any kind of linen and bedding that give bed bugs the easiest access. Even though bed bugs are more likely to stay where their host is staying, dirty laundry including unwashed blankets can serve as an incentive to establish themselves in a blanket. Depending on what kind of blanket it is, they can access the blanket when it has an open side that can give them an easier way to access the blanket. Apart from blankets or comforters, bed bugs have a chance to inhabit your pillows as well, even though this is very likely but possible.

If you need to get rid of your bed bug problem, look no further than Bed Bug Control Kitchener

When bed bugs find a way through the pillowcase, they can easily stay undetected and strike at night when you are fast asleep, especially when pillows are not regularly washed. Signs that you have bed bugs in your pillows are detectable by smell. When there is a musty odor coming from the pillow, and if you see a streak of black to dark brown on the pillow itself you are indeed dealing with bed bugs. When pillows are affected, it is best to either wash the pillow at the highest setting p[possible or to buy a new pillow if you fear reinfestation. This might be worth the investment if you want to be assured of peaceful sleep. When bed bugs are infiltrating every facet of your life, it may impair your ability to concentrate, carry out simple tasks, and most important of all, to get a good night of sleep. When bed bugs are influencing your life, the best and next step to take is to call a professional pest control technician from a reputable pest control service. They are specialized in the total eradication of bed bugs present with the help of industry-standard formulations, tools, and methods that can rid your property from bed bugs in no time.

Bed bugs also have the chance to infest your clothes as well. This calls for immediate action such as sorting your clothes and bagging them and bringing them to the laundromat. It is advised to wash the clothes at the highest temperature possible your clothes can handle since bed bugs cannot handle a temperature above 45 degrees Celsius.

To hire professional pest control technicians contact the expert from Pest Control Kitchener. Call us now to book an appointment or to receive a free consultation.