Do All Mouse Dropping have hantavirus

Do All Mouse Droppings Have Hantavirus

One of the biggest concerns that arise when you discover mice in your home is the possibility of your family contracting diseases such as Hantavirus from mouse droppings. But, do all mice droppings actually have the Hantavirus in them? Not exactly. However, that doesn’t necessarily mean that you shouldn’t get rid of the mice. There’s no way of exactly telling if a mouse has the disease – which means it can be even more dangerous for you and your family. When it comes to Hantavirus, this article will tell you everything you need to know to keep your family safe. Call us if you need help with mice infestation our professional mice exterminator Kitchener services are fast and affordable.

What is Hantavirus?

Hantavirus is quite possibly one of the most dangerous types of diseases that you can contract from rodents. However, in some rare cases, it can become deadly if the virus turns into Hantavirus Pulmonary Syndrome (HPS). Currently, there is no easy way to tell if a mouse in your home is infected with the virus, so it’s even more important to be safe when handling the feces and removal of mice. Hantavirus can easily be contracted through cleaning mouse urine and feces droppings, as well as working or living in areas that have mice nearby. Unfortunately, you or a loved one can catch HPS through any mouse or rodent that carries Hantavirus – even if you were otherwise a healthy individual.

Individuals can become infected as they inhale the contaminated dust from mouse urine and droppings. If a mouse is infected with Hantavirus (even though it will not show any symptoms), a human catch the virus from that mouse through their droppings. Symptoms of Hantavirus usually begin as flu-like symptoms and include a high fever, muscle aches, upset stomach, and fatigue. Once the virus progresses (without treatment), respiratory symptoms will follow and can turn into pneumonia and even organ failure if left untreated.

Do All Mice Carry it?

The big question here is, do all mice droppings carry Hantavirus? To give a simple answer, no, they do not all carry the virus. Deer mice are normally the main species of mice that are known to carry the virus. However, even all deer mice are not carriers. There are also some species that are known to never have infected anyone with HPS. Either way you look at it, there will always be some type of risk to having mice droppings and urine in or around your home – especially if you have young children living there. Hantavirus can cause serious life-threatening issues if it’s not immediately treated. And since it initially presents itself with flu-like symptoms, it’s hard to determine a difference.

While not all mice droppings carry Hantavirus, it’s important to understand how dangerous this virus can get. It becomes even more dangerous to leave mice to reside in your home since you can’t easily distinguish if the mice are infected with Hantavirus. This means that you must immediately make a plan for the removal of these pests before it becomes a serious health threat. There are plenty of DIY methods and home remedies for trapping and removing mice from your home, however, a professional removal service is the recommended choice. A professional exterminator can ultimately remove any mice and rodents from your home with proper treatment to ensure that you and your family are safe and pest-free. Hantavirus can become deadly if it turns into the later stages of HPS, and you wouldn’t want to leave your family at risk of contracting this disease that can be easily prevented. Contact Pest Control Kitchener at the first sight of any mice infestations and take back control of your home.