Do Rats Emit a Smell Just by Being Present

Do Rats Emit a Smell Just by Being Present

Do you smell a rat in the house? Rats are known to be odorous and bothersome pests. They will wreak havoc on the walls of your home and cost you hundreds of dollars in repairs. If you think there are rats in your home, you need to rid of them – fast. The longer you wait, the more your house will smell of rats and the more damage it will suffer. For safe and professional rat removal, call Rat Control Kitchener

Rats are nocturnal, omnivorous mammals that scavenge for food. From seeds and nuts to meat and cheese, these animals will eat just about anything. The Norway rat, or brown rat, is the most common species in Canada. This rat has a shaggy brown fur coat, rounded snout, and beady black eyes. Norway rats are social animals that live in large groups and reproduce very quickly. The average female rat will produce litters of 4 to 22 babies as many as 7 times per year. While they have no trouble surviving outdoors, rats are attracted to the warmth of human homes. 

The presence of rats has a musky, pungent odour. Rats urinate and defecate in their nests, which leaves the smell of ammonia and feces in the air. What’s worse is the smell of a rat that has passed away. Thanks to their omnivorous diet and considerable size, the smell of a rat’s corpse is absolutely awful. It will make the entire home smell bad. Rats unfortunately like to nest in the insulation between the walls of the home where it is difficult to clean, so it’s important to get rid of rats as soon as possible. The smell of any mess the rats leave inside the walls will linger for a long time.

Rats are very difficult to get rid of. If you think there are rats in the home, you should call an exterminator for help. They will be able to find where the rats are nesting in the house and will have the tools necessary to draw them out. To get rid of the smell, once the rats are gone, disinfect any surface the rats have touched and wash any nearby fabrics at the highest allowable heat setting. When cleaning up feces, be sure to spray them with disinfectant first before picking them up. Never use a vacuum to clean up feces as this will spread pathogens into the air. Once the area is clean, pour about an inch of baking soda onto the affected surfaces, let it sit for a day or two, then vacuum it all up. 

The faster you act, the better. Rats are smelly and hazardous creatures. If you’re worried about a rat problem, the professionals at Rat Control Kitchener would be happy to help. We conduct thorough inspections to find exactly where the animals are nesting, and we target them from several different angles to draw them out and eliminate them effectively. We also offer cleaning services to get rid of the smell once the rats are gone. Call Pest Control Kitchener now and ask us about our warranties.