Do Squirrels Cause Damage in Attic

Do Squirrels Cause Damage in Attic?

Do squirrels cause damage in your attic? The answer is obviously yes, although the level of damage depends on several factors. Call us for fast and reliable squirrel removal in Kitchener.

The factors that affect the damage that squirrels can cause in an attic are many:

  • The number of squirrels in the attic.
  • The time the squirrels spent in the attic.
  • The presence or absence of electrical cables or water system pipes.
  • The type of house insulation.
  • And even from the nature of the squirrels.

Ideally, squirrels are adorable animals, but not when they decide to come and live in your attic. Especially if there are many of them. The damage that squirrels can cause in an attic, in fact, are many and also very dangerous:

  • Damage to wood: In case you have a wooden attic, the squirrels will feast. These small rodents almost always chew the wood, so they can damage the beams of the ceiling, insulation panels, the wooden slats of the roof and even the wooden finishes of the exterior, to enter the attic and occupy it.
  • Chewing the cables: Squirrels, like all rodents, chew anything to control the growth of their teeth. And this means that, in the presence of electric cables, they will chew and damage them too. This means, in addition to the damage to the cables, possible electrical problems throughout the home.
  • Nesting Material: This problem depends on each case. Some squirrels may introduce different materials into the attic to build a nest (such as leaves, debris or other similar materials). Others, however, can simply damage the insulation of the attic and use that material to the nest.
  • Presence of excrement: Obviously, the presence of squirrels, especially in large numbers, brings with it the presence of feces and urine, which will put anyone’s health at risk as well as bringing dirt and bad smell.
  • Risk of disease: In addition to feces and urine, squirrels themselves are also carriers of the disease. Although transmission of diseases is rare, squirrels are carriers of fleas; leptospirosis; mites; rabies; salmonellosis; ticks (which can transmit Lyme disease) and tularemia.

The problems, as you may have understood, can be many and even very serious. The first thing to do to avoid these infestations is prevention, but, if this is not enough, the only possible solution is to call experts and ask for help against these terrible, even if apparently nice, rodents.