How Do I Kill Rats in My Backyard

How Do I Kill Rats in My Backyard? 

Rats are a nightmare to deal with. They’re terribly destructive and they reproduce at an alarming rate. Rats also carry dangerous diseases that put you and your family at risk of getting sick. While they might not be giving you too much trouble outside, you should control their population outdoors to avoid having them come inside. Luckily, professional help is never too far away. For quality rat control, call Rat Control Kitchener

The most common species of rat in Ontario is the brown rat, also known as the Norway rat. This rat measures up to 40cm in length and has a shaggy brown coat. As omnivorous scavengers, rats will feed on practically anything. They enjoy a diet of fruits, vegetables, nuts, meat, eggs, garbage, and organic waste. Rats are social creatures that live in large groups and burrow underground. Over time, their tunnels will stretch closer and closer to human homes. If given the chance, they will come inside and nest in the insulation of your home where they can be safe from the winter’s cold. 

To get rid of rats in your backyard, call a professional rat remover to assess the situation and install bait stations. Bait stations are tamper-proof boxes that contain rodenticide (rat poison). On the sides of the boxes, there are entrances through which rats can crawl in and eat the baits placed inside. The rodenticide is specifically formulated to appeal to rats to avoid harming any other animals in the neighbourhood. Bait stations also require a key to open, so no children or pets can open them. The rats in your backyard will consume the bait, and, when they begin to feel sick, retreat into their burrows where they will perish. Outdoor rat elimination takes about a month, but it depends on the severity on the situation. 

What you can do to help in the elimination process involves removing other sources of food from the yard and removing areas of rodent harborage. Pick up any fruit that may have fallen to the ground, clean up any garbage you find, and pick up after your dogs. If you have a bird feeder, consider putting that away as well and store bird seed in sealed containers. This will encourage the rats to consume the rodenticide the professional will have placed. As for removing harborage, you can mow the lawn, pull weeds, and trim shrubs to reduce the number of hiding spots the rodents could be using. 

Hiring a professional is always recommended for treating a rat problem. They have commercial-grade baits and traps that are much more effective than the ones you can buy in stores. Their skills and experience in pest removal are invaluable and they may save you money in the long run. If you’re currently dealing with a rat infestation in your yard and you need help, do not hesitate to give Rat Control Kitchener a call. We conduct thorough inspections and promise to give you the best service possible. Call Pest Control Kitchener today.