How long does it take for a wasp to build their nest

How long does it take for a wasp to build their nest

Wasps start their life as a single queen. This queen has just been hibernating for the winter and has flown onto your property to start its colony over. It will find a nice safe spot and form a small rudimentary nest. And then lay eggs and prepare food for the young. Once the worker wasps reach maturity the nest will start to grow larger. If you pay attention you will see daily growth. Once the nest reaches maturity in the fall the workers and other wasps all die off, all that is left is the queen. The queen finds a nice warm place to sleep through the winter and then starts over again in the spring. This happens over and over every year and some wasps will even take over old disused nests. What is there to do when wasps have filled your home and your yard and are building nests everywhere. 

If you suspect wasp presence anywhere near or on your property, contact wasp removal  Kitchener for quick and safe removal.

how long does it take for a wasp to build their nest


The process of building a wasp nest takes about three quarters of a year. The queens sleep through the winter and the other wasps die off. The queens spend the last quarter of the year in hibernation. Now when she wakes up in the spring she will make or find a nest and start this process over again. So while the wasps may be different, the queen always stays the same. This may explain why you keep getting new wasp nests every year. Your property is probably attractive to a wasp queen, filled with compost and garbage and leftovers from dinners on the porch, the house and property are a great source of food, so every year the queen comes back to the same property knowing her workers will have plenty to eat and so will her grubs. 

If you want to keep them away, don’t give them anything to eat, keep your home and property clean and don’t leave garbage out all night, or leftovers. Do this and they may just leave, or you may have to kill the nest with insecticide. It takes about two cans and you may want to wear a sturdy full covering beekeeper suit. If not you may get ripped apart by the wasps. If the wasp nest is in your home you may have to rip a few wall panels out to reach it, be careful not to disturb the wasps and to use hornet freeze on the nest to seal it up nice and quick. Wait a week and they should all be dead.