How To Deal With A Bed Bug Infestation

How To Deal With A Bed Bug Infestation

A bed bug infestation is something that no homeowner ever expects or hopes to encounter. However, it’s very possible that one day you may catch a bed bug lurking inside of your mattress or couch cushions. In the case that you do find yourself living with bed bugs, it’s important for you to understand how to properly handle a bed bug infestation and how to get rid of it as soon as possible. While there are many DIY methods and home remedies that some individuals swear by, they may not always work and in some cases, they could make the situation worse. Since bed bugs feed and survive only off of human blood, it’s crucial that you make an immediate plan to remove them from your home to prevent the infestation from getting worse – especially since they do not require much to survive. Call bed bug exterminator Kitchener for professional solutions.

The Severity of an Infestation

Bed bugs can often go unnoticed for quite some time since they tend to come out at night and their bite marks closely resemble mosquito bites. However, the main difference between a mosquito bite and a bed bug bite is that the bed bug will bite its victim multiple times in the same area. So if you were to receive bites from a bed bug, the welts would be in a line or cluster of three or more. If you find these bites on yourself or a family member, your home may, in fact, have a bed bug infestation. In addition, if you find small brown or red blood stains on your mattress and sheets, this can also indicate that there are bed bugs lurking around. These pests will also leave their shedding laying around near the crevices of your furniture. All of these signs can indicate a possible severe bed bug infestation, and you will want to make sure that you get it handled immediately before it becomes even worse.

Dealing With the Infestation

Bed bugs will not go away on their own. In fact, they will only continue to grow their family until your entire house is taken over by these pests. From the moment you first discover a bed bug infestation, no matter the severity, you must make a plan to have them removed from your home – whether you do it on your own or hire a professional removal service. These pests are definitely difficult to remove on your own, but that doesn’t mean that it’s impossible. The eggs of a bed bug are very much resistant to many chemicals and treatments, so it may be even harder to get rid of the eggs and complete the treatment entirely. A single treatment will not be enough to get rid of these pests completely. In fact, and unfortunately, many bed bugs have built up an immunity to certain chemical treatments and will not die from regular treatment. In this case, you may need to have a professional exterminator come into your home to provide an extensive removal service.

While you wait for a professional to come to your home and treat the infestation, there are things that you can do to prevent any further infestation from spreading:

  • Keep everything that cannot be treated, sealed in a plastic bag or garbage bag
  • Empty your vacuum into a garbage bag immediately after use and throw it outside of the home after sealing it tightly
  • After treatment has been done (or during the process), throw out any furniture that can not be salvaged to prevent the bed bugs from resuming their stay in your home
  • Use heat treatments on your clothes and sheets
  • Check any and everything that has been given to you second-hand to look for any signs of bed bugs

Having a bed bug infestation is not something that anyone ever wants to encounter, but it does happen. Having an effective plan for removal will help ensure that the bugs are killed and removed from your home so that you can go back to receiving a full night’s rest. Although it might not always be possible to remove these pests entirely from your home using DIY methods or home remedies, having a professional pest control technician come in and inspect your home can surely guarantee that you will receive proper treatment for bed bug infestations in your home. Contact a professional pest control Kitchener exterminator in your area to have your bed bug infestation controlled and removed from your property.