How to deal with little ants in winter

How to deal with little ants in winter. 

There are many, many, many kinds of ants in Canada, most of which are tiny. The four most common ants are carpenter ants, which are large and not a part of this dialogue, and the other three, Pharaoh ants, pavement ants and citronella ants. 

It is best to contact a professional ant exterminator Kitchener in the Greater Toronto Area to declare your home ant-free as soon as possible!

Citronella ants are rather rare and not a huge issue, boric acid will take care of them rather quickly. On a funny note, they get their name from the sent that is released when they are crushed, scientists don’t know why this happens but it is likely a means of warning the colony that something has invaded and is killing the ants. 

Pharaoh ants are very peculiar ants because their nests tend to have multiple queens. These queens can easily relocate themselves with existing workers to create a new satellite colony in any location in your home. They favour kitchens and anywhere else they can find food, little gluttons they are. 

Pavement ants are just as they sound. They are capable of crawling through and even breaking up concrete. Not treated and sealed concrete, but old and crumbly concrete, the likes that the foundation of your old house may be made of. These ants will invade your basement and make a mess of your kitchen as they increase the size of their colony. Unlike most ants, pavement ants do not fight each other and multiple colonies can easily work in tandem with each other. 

If these ants have infested your home you have a number of options, you can call the professionals at The Exterminators Inc, they can send a technician who can get rid of your infestation in less than 3 weeks. Or you can try to deal with it on your own, using boric acid and silica solutions and cedar oil to kill them off.