How to Manage Cockroach Infestation Effectively During the Coronavirus (COVID -19) Outbreak

How to Manage Cockroach Infestation Effectively During the Coronavirus (COVID -19) Outbreak

Roaches in Kitchener invade houses, restaurants and other buildings so effective management is paramount. The steps apply to most buildings and infestation. Pest Control Kitchener has adjusted its services to serve your safety during the COVID -19 outbreak. Please call us at 226-778-3098 for fast and safe services.  

Inspection: inspection is necessary to gather the information that you can use to decide the best course of action. You need to find out where the roaches are hiding, what they are eating and the extent of the infestation. Cockroaches are difficult pests to eliminate and often require multiple methods of control. Inspection is the only way to decide which option(s) will be the most effective.

Exclusion: exclusion simply means preventing new roaches from getting into the house and restricting the movement of the existing infestation. You need to seal all possible entry points and hiding places discovered during the inspection. Seal gaps, cracks and crevices with silicon.

Sanitation: ideally, you should remove all sources of food and water that are allowing the infestation to thrive. This step not only controls the growth of the colony but also allows the pesticide to work effectively. Remove all traces of moisture, grease, dirt and food as much as possible.

Apply Pesticide: finally, apply insecticide and follow the manufacturer’s directions to the letter. You may use a residual insecticide, dust insecticides, baits, growth regulators and sprays or some combination of these. Pay special attention to areas where the roaches hide and where they forage often.

Apart from the allergens that cockroaches naturally carry, there have been tests done on cockroaches to examine pathogens on their bodies. These tests have revealed that cockroaches have the capability of carrying some serious diseases. Typhoid that is caused by Salmonella Typhi has been found in cockroaches. Poliomyelitis that causes Polio has also been discovered in these insects. Cockroaches are also known to spread dysentery, a disease that is known to cause severe diarrhea and bleeding.

 Our technicians use industry-grade solutions to tackle your cockroach infestation problem with a proven track record. Such as powerful silica-based desiccant dust with synergized natural pyrethrum that makes it a strong alternative to chemically damaging substances used in traditional pest control insecticides. The natural active ingredient ensures that it is environmentally responsible to use as well as save to use in interiors which is critical as we all are for the most part confined to our houses.