How to yellow jacket proof your out door event.

How to yellow jacket proof your outdoor event.

The day is beautiful, the bbq is hot and ready. You have prepared the orders and the drinks and the guests are arriving. Everything is going very well but then you see a wasp. A yellowjacket, which means there are more nearby. These insects can easily ruin your bbq and send your guests running to their cars so what can you do to protect yourself and your guests from a yellowjacket nest on or near your property. If it is in a public park then you can report the nest to the park rangers who will come down and remove it but if a nest is on your property you will either have to remove it yourself or call a professional. Thankfully there are a lot of devices available to help protect your backyard bbq’s from yellowjacket attacks. 

If you suspect wasp presence anywhere near or on your property, contact wasp removal  Kitchener for quick and safe removal.

How to yellow jacket proof your out door

The yellow jacket wasp tends to build their nests in the ground where they are extremely difficult to find. They are either very close to the surface in the case of wasps who dug their hole or, more commonly they will find a pre-dug rodent hole and build the nest in there. It tends to be the rough size of a soccer ball and is not sealed, the nest is open on all sides. The nest is created by the queen who spent the winter hibernating. She left hibernation in the spring and started a fresh nest. The larva hatched and grew into sterile female workers who build the nest. Near the end of the fall, the queen produces males and females that can mate. They do and then the males die off. The new pregnant females are now queens and will hibernate for the winter and then start a new nest just like their mother. This process will continue forever on your property, every year, unless it is stopped by the destruction of the nest. 

You can use yellowjacket traps, they house a sweet material that attracts them and then traps them in a double-layered plastic globe structure. Place them about 20 feet away from the food to catch them before they come near and stings someone. You can also keep special sting relief wipes that cool the wound and ice to keep the swelling down. A topical anesthetic is a boon to have around. If any of your guests are allergic to the yellowjacket sting you will want to have EpiPens on hand as well. 

If you would rather a professional do it you can call Wasp Control. Our trained technicians can kill and remove the nest right away and give you the peace of mind you need to live your life.