How do I Get Squirrels Out of My Attic

Question “How do I Get Squirrels Out of My Attic?”


If you have heard recurrent scratching sounds in your attic, then you have a squirrel problem on your hands. They may look adorable, but once the damage begins, it can be frustrating to keep having to repair and clean up, and it may be too late to get them out. Getting rid of squirrels from your attic may seem like an impossible task, but with a few steps and a proactive approach to prevent a future invasion, you can quickly take back control of your attic or call us for expert squirrel removal Kitchener services. No matter what option you use, you need to take steps to ensure they never come back.

Use squirrel repellents

Squirrels are averse to strong smells, and a great example of a repellent would be ammonia. Soak a rag in a concentrated solution of ammonia then place it close to the nesting spot. The nesting spot is easy to spot as a bunch of leaves, paper, and other soft debris that would provide a safe place for young ones. The strong smell will irritate the squirrels and make the attic seem like an unsafe place for nesting. You can also try hypochlorite bleach or any other household chemical with a strong smell.

Use brilliant light

Turn on the overhead light in your attic or install temporary lights if there is no permanent light fixture. The light may reverse their light-dark cycle and make them feel uncomfortable and exposed; thus they may leave your attic for a better place. If you know where the nesting place is, use a flashlight to direct light towards it.

Find a commercial repellent product

You can visit the market if you want a natural repellent product or an online store or hardware for a chemical one. The natural ones have red fox urine or the urine of any other squirrel predator. Read the label on the chemical repellents to check how to dilute or apply it. Apply it to places with track marks, feces, or urine spots. For your safety, ensure you use the commercial repellents as advised and store them safely. Avoid using mothballs, as they may be toxic towards your pets and have a strong smell that will make the home uninhabitable. In some states, it is illegal to use mothballs against squirrels.

Live trapping

Once the repellents are set up, you may want to try live trapping, as it is a proven method of getting squirrels out of your attic for good. Look for a vendor selling traps specifically for squirrels, as generic mouse traps will not work. The wrong trap may also harm the squirrel or let it escape. Place them near spots that the squirrels come in or exit through, as they are least likely to enter a trap placed right in the middle. Bait the trap with peanut butter or nuts, and then take the trap within 5-10 miles of your home to set the squirrel free. You can always reset the trap to get them all out.