What are most aggressive wasps

What are most aggressive wasps

Wasps are all aggressive. There are only a few types of wasps that aren’t. The main wasp that isn’t aggressive is the mud wasp. These wasps build their nests in mud and lay their eggs in little dugouts they make in the mud to find grubs. When they make the hole they sting the grub and lay an egg, when the egg hatches the wasp continues to care for it till it grows to maturity. These wasps would rather move on and build another nest when their nest is destroyed. They will not attack you pretty much ever and are very beneficial to your garden.

If you suspect wasp presence anywhere near or on your property, contact wasp removal  Kitchener for quick and safe removal.

What are most aggressive wasps

These are good wasps and they are wasps you want on your property. However, there are also bad wasps, and hornets. The Great Black Hornet for one is extremely dangerous, Its venom is toxic and its sting hurts a lot. These hornets are also solitary but can live in nests of up to ten thousand inhabitants. These large black hornets will happily sting anyone that comes near them and they don’t need a reason. They have a wide birth and consider a large portion of the real estate to be their domain. If a nest is hanging from the over hang over your porch you may not even be able to go outside without being stung by the hornets. What about wasps. The yellow jacket wasp is also a huge problem and can be very aggressive with humans. They will sting you and then call their friends to sting you and you will quickly be running away from a swam of wasps that want to kill you. 

The best way to keep wasps off your property is to clean your property. Don’t leave your garbage out all night, tie it up and store it in a tightly sealed and locked container in your garage and make sure the garage door meets the ground or the wasps will just crawl under it. You should also make sure to remove fallen fruit if your property has a fruit tree, collect the fruit off the tree the day it turns ripe, don’t leave it to rot because the smell will attract wasps. You can also make sure not to eat outside to much, make sure to clean up any spilled drinks and food, especially anything sweet. While wasps are breeding they prefer to eat insects but once their kids are in collage they go straight for the ice cream.