What Are Raccoons Afraid of?

What Are Raccoons Afraid of?

Are you looking for a sure means to get rid of those pesky raccoons on your property? An option you can consider is making use of the natural enemies of these wild pests. You can also try using objects or things the raccoons find scary. Call professional raccoon removal Kitchener for fast and reliable.

Just like humans, animals have certain things which scare them. Once you turn this fear against them, invading your property is no longer an option for them. Some of the scare tactics you can use for the raccoons are listed below:

4 Things Raccoons Fear

  1. Bright Lights and Loud Noise

Number one on the list of things raccoons fear is bright lights and loud noise. Raccoons are nocturnal creatures, and this happens to be one of the major reasons why they prefer dark spaces. If possible, raccoons try to avoid having direct contact with humans so when a loud noise is heard, this is assumed to be a human which scares them into fleeing.

  1. Electric Fencing

When you have squirrels roaming on your property, one of the recommendations to dissuade them is installing a fence. However, not just any fence will do as raccoons are climbers, and regardless of the height of the fence, they will try their best to scale it. Therefore, when considering fencing, you should get an electric one.

The shock which the raccoons will feel when they try scaling the fence will have them scared and dissuade their plans to gain access to your property.

  1. Man’s Best Friend

Dogs might be man’s best friend, but they are a raccoon’s natural enemy. Unless faced with their owners, dogs have an underlying aggressive nature when strangers invade their territory. Having a dog on your property will prevent the raccoon from trying to gain entrance.

  1. Motion Sensor Sprinkler

Sudden movements can scare a raccoon away. Therefore, having a motion sensor sprinkler on your property is another option to consider having on your property. When the squirrel steps on your lawns, the sprinklers activate immediately thereby scaring it away.

If you don’t want to make use of any of the methods listed above, you can contact a professional pest control Kitchener company to discuss other methods of scaring raccoons from your property. As the experts, they have more knowledge on which methods work best as a long-lasting solution and can also help you raccoon-proof your property.