What Are The Best Home Remedies For Cockroaches

What Are The Best Home Remedies For Cockroaches

A cockroach infestation is probably one of the last things you want to find in your kitchen, or really any part of your home. These pests can multiply extremely fast and will take over your home in no time if you allow it. Fortunately, there are ways that you can get rid of these pests, but it won’t be easy. With all of the DIY methods and home remedies floating around the internet, how can you choose which one will be the best option for your specific situation? Take a look and see which cockroach removal Kitchener methods catch your eye and find out how you can remove these pests from your home once and for all.

The Best Home Remedies

It’s not an easy task to rid your home of a cockroach infestation, and it may take longer than you imagined. However, from the moment you discover roaches in your home, you must make a quick plan on how you will tackle the situation. There are many methods and products for you to try, so if one fails, just give another remedy a shot and find what works for you. When all else fails, you can bring in a professional to handle the situation for you.

Here are some home remedies that you can try for removing cockroaches from your home:

  • Use bait traps and set them in areas where there is a lot of traffic from these pests, such as under the sink or refrigerator. These bait traps contain poison for the big to feed off of and bring back to the rest of the colony, poisoning each of the other roaches.
  • Kill off the bugs using boric oxide. However, be cautious when using this around pets and small children – it can be toxic in high doses.
  • Baking soda mixtures can be made into a paste with water and a small amount of sugar. This paste will attract the roaches with the sugar and lead them to their death with the baking soda. Their bodies can not digest the rapid release of carbon dioxide, which ultimately will kill them.

You may have to try a few home remedies before finding one that works, and honestly, none of them may work if the infestation is too severe. In this case, it’s best to check into other options for removing these pests from your home.

Other Options

If the home remedies that you’ve tried aren’t working, then you may have some pesky cockroaches living with you and have made the perfect living environment for them. Leaving food boxes and bags open gives these pests easy access to never-ending food supplies. It may be the little things that you never even thought about that are keeping them around. Such as moist towels and clothes laying around that can provide the cockroaches with enough water to survive. Each of these things can be prevented with a thorough cleaning at the end of each day and making sure that nothing is cluttered or left laying around. The easiest way to end an infestation is to nip it in the bud before it becomes a problem by preventing it. However, that’s not always possible. And sometimes you may need a professional’s help. If you find yourself in over your head with a cockroach infestation and haven’t found a reliable solution, contact a pest control Kitchener expert in your area to have the infestation controlled and the bugs removed from your home.