What Are the Signs of An  Advanced Bed Bug Infestation

What Are the Signs of An  Advanced Bed Bug Infestation?

Knowing the signs of an advanced infestation may tell you what you can do and what you cannot do. In most cases, when an infestation has passed a certain threshold, the only option that remains is to call a professional pest control service. Initially, the signs might be annoying at the least, but can soon snowball into somewhat more severe by seeping in your professional and life completely impairing your concentration, skills, and productivity. It may all start with, what you would think at first, as an innocent mosquito bite, but as the days go on you become more suspicious leading to fear followed by sleepless nights. Bed bug signs are not as clear-cut as they seem in comparison with other pests that invade our private properties such as with mice and rats. Instead, to see signs of a bed bug infestation, you actively have to look for it by conducting your own inspection.

If you need to get rid of your bed bug problem, look no further than Bed Bug Control Kitchener

Looking for signs of a small minuscule pest seems like a daunting task already, but if the infestation already has reached a point, the signs will be easier to spot. In most cases, dark-brown to black streaks will be visible on the mattress. Depending on where these bed bugs are nested, these streaks can be seen underneath or on the sides of the mattress. What you will see is an accumulation of crushed bed bugs, eggshells, body parts, blood, and feces that lead to discoloration over the weeks or months that this has been going on. It is often the only sign that directly correlates to a full-blown infestation due to the sheer size of the streak. The smell can also be an indicator of an advanced bed bug infestation by smelling notes of a dull and musty odor. It happens in extreme cases where a professional bed bug control technician is the only way out to a bedbug-free space. Note that bed bugs do not only infest the bed, but can also infest clothes, couches, and even furniture to stay tucked away and hidden. This is due to their nature where they like to live an undisturbed away from any human detection. It is also the reason why bed bugs strike at night for their blood meal. A blood meal is nourishment for the bed bug, and the way it feeds itself is by directly penetrating the skin and entering the bloodstream with a mouthpart that can pierce the skin. At the same time, it also numbs the skin with a natural chemical composition that acts like a numbing agent that is why bed bug bites are not felt until way after people wake up. Contact your local pest control service immediately before bed bugs seize control of your life. Call COMPANY NAME for a free consultation and to book an appointment!